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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > ANCIENT PROPHECY > Brain Research Lab

Brain Research Lab Used Deck

Brain Research Lab
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Field Spell - - - - -
Once per turn, you can Normal Summon 1 Psychic-Type monster in addition to your Normal Summon or Set. If successful, place 1 Psychic Counter on this card. You can also place 1 Psychic Counter on this card instead of paying Life Points to activate any Psychic-Type monster's effect that you control. When this card is removed from the field, the controller of this card takes 1000 damage for each Psychic Counter on it.
Average Rating Score 7.9(11)
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"Brain Research Lab" card reviews and rating scores

9% (1)
81% (9)
9% (1)
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japan ねこーら
2022/12/29 9:38
Yugioh Icon
Overall Rating: Useful for overcoming Psychic's rice cost.
You can add summoning rights to assist Psychic deployment, and you can use the effect repeatedly by overcoming the LP cost.
There is a risk of receiving a large amount of damage if the counter accumulates and leaves, but if you put out D/D/D Rebel King Leonidas that will not receive effect damage, that risk will be eliminated.
Prime Material Dragon》is also a great recovery option.
There is also a search method for Field Spells, making combos easy.
There is also 《Telekinetic Charging Cell》, but that one can only be used alone.
japan みめっと
2022/06/16 12:35
Yugioh Icon
His Psychic Field Spell, which has a reputation for looking like 《Advanced Ritual Art》from a distance.
On the effect side, he has the ability to summon Psychic, he doesn't have to pay LP for Psychic to activate the effect, and instead of those, he can put a counter on this card once. Great things are written.
The act of putting this counter on is the same as a debt, and when this card leaves the field, you have to return it all at once, but no matter how much LP cost you drop, the repayment amount is 1000 damage per counter. So, for example, if you do a Hyakki Yako with Devifla that has become Psychic due to racial manipulation, even if you deploy 5 bodies and knock down 25000 LP, the final damage will be 5000, which is quite cheap. .
Above all, if you win before this card leaves the field, it doesn't matter how much debt you have, so it's easy to overwhelm it.
However, the LP that exceeds the current LP, that is, the LP that cannot be paid originally, cannot be stepped on, and the amount of LP to pay is determined by the amount of LP, and the strength of the effect changes depending on the amount. Note that the can't be knocked over.
Psychic does not have many cards that pay 1000 or more LP at a time, and if you step on LP less than 1000, it will be expensive in the end, but the counter will also ride if you add the right to summon, so this It's also a good idea to focus on using effects.
It's a card that has a lot of potential, and I don't think we'll see a permanent card like Clockwork Knight's Psychic version that easily.
japan ブルーバード
2022/04/21 11:09
Yugioh Icon
A powerful card with lots of effects for an old Field Spell. The addition of summoning above alone makes him useful to the Psychic Deck.
Psychic's LP overrun was a feature of his Psychic at the time, and was used to remove the Mind Master limiter. Also, it became possible to step on the LP of all monsters with "Reprodocus" and DNA remodeling surgery.
However, just because you can beat him down doesn't mean you'll lose if you get too carried away, so be careful. To the extent that a psychic user's friend spins with Menmasu and returns the turn and loses in field replacement or Cyclone.
japan シエスタ
2020/01/08 9:40
Yugioh Icon
His LP cost can be overruled by Double Summon, which is exclusively for psychics.
A similar card that can be knocked down is Telekinetic Charging Cell, which has the advantage of being able to be used against multiple psychics on the field, but the risk of being destroyed is greater with this card, and it can also be used in deck slots. There are advantages and disadvantages such as differences.
Cards with an LP cost of 1000 or less will also lose money when removed, so not all psychics are highly beneficial.
Perhaps because it came out in a loose era, it has a sweet side, and if you use a race change card, it can be used by people other than psychics.
With the advent of 《Reprodocus》, that combo has become more realistic.
I choose cards that are compatible, but I have the impression that they are cards with high future potential.
japan ゲンゴロウ
2018/07/19 18:19
Yugioh Icon
Field Spell has seen the light of day for the first time in a while thanks to a suspicious link called 《Reprodocus》. Taking over from the Menmas era, he can activate Gerdgra and Devifla many times in one turn, and his appearance can be said to be a brain psychic. I have a friend called 《Telekinetic Charging Cell》, but I can use it properly due to the difference between equipment and field.
japan ナル参照
2013/11/23 13:47
Yugioh Icon
A place like this is bound to break.  →《Brain Hazard
Double Summon》Visceral cost assistance laboratory. Although it only supports monsters, returning all costs to 1000 is surprisingly not bad. Especially in the case of Max, who requires a large amount of LP, it will be easier to use if the damage is reduced from 2000 to 1000. Rather, the sadness that Menmas is dead and now it's almost exclusively for Max. 《Double Summon》effect is also strong. Damage is still...
However, after all, it is just a matter of putting it off, so I still want a follow-up. I want to help with incense sticks.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2012/05/26 22:18
Yugioh Icon
I guess I'm in the minority who saw Kurukuru Lab at first glance...
A convenient card that can be deployed, defended, and attacked.
The price is quite painful, so if you use it, don't forget Rainbow LP's insurance.
I'm sorry for hitting the cyclone in the middle of Menmasuguru...
japan みのし
2011/09/04 22:29
Yugioh Icon
Use 《DNA Surgery》to use your favorite race at no cost.
Sensei, the damage is quite painful
Hint: With 《Barrel Behind the Door
japan SOUL
2011/03/24 15:30
Yugioh Icon
One counter does 1000 damage, so it's hard to say that it reduces the LP cost.
Basically a combo/1 kill card.
japan とき
2010/08/20 8:51
Yugioh Icon
Ayashii Research Institute, which counters his LP necessary for Psychic's summoning rights and effects. It can be said that it is the unified field of Psychic.
In the past, it was a card that acted as a one-kill device and threw Menmas into the forbidden room, but now the psychic doesn't use its effect so many times. It works well with 《Overdrive Teleporter》, and in addition to overcoming the LP cost of the effect, it also supports the summoning of this card by adding the summoning right.
Psychic who went to the dimension has many cards that don't need LP cost, and it's less necessary to force him to use it just because he's a psychic. If you can find a way out of the Double Summon effect in the first half, it's still a viable card, but...
japan 愛佳
2024/01/08 22:54
Yugioh Icon

Decks with "Brain Research Lab"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
ANCIENT PROPHECY ANPR-JP057 2009-04-18 Normal
DUELIST EDITION Volume 4 DE04-JP031 2012-08-11 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 3,867 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 31,984


Japanese card name 脳開発研究所

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